Take a little stroll down memory lane ...
all the way back to the hollowed halls ...
of your school years - the days of raising your hand,
taking tests, and making the grade ;)
My Grade School Memories...
My Grade School Memories...
- I remember we were voting for classroom officials in first grade and I was begging everybody not to vote for me... why? because I thought that it would cost my parents a lot of money for the campaign should I get elected in the school student government!
- I traded my beautiful new teddy bear back pack with an old red ragged doll back pack because it was red. I came home and got a a good deal of scolding from my parents!
- I loved playing puzzles and pick up sticks with my classmates during recess period.
- The hi-cut rubber shoes was in and I was in the first grade everyone was wearing it except me because my parents said that it was not part of the school uniform.
- I competed in the school contest for my history class, would have gotten the first place but they counted the scores wrong, they missed to count the 3 points I earned so I just got the second place.
- I was walking down the hall with my 2 close friends when I slipped and fell flat on my face and guess where? In front of the cutest guys in school! (blush)
- On my junior year we had a field trip to the geothermal plant and to the only agricultural university in my place and it was exciting for all of us. But the trip was ruined as one guy in my class who sat in front near the bus driver had a very bad stomach and you know what happened! It was smelly the entire trip, we opened all the windows and sprayed all our colognes but the smell was still there. Will never forget this!
- When I was in freshmen in college I was first enrolled in a local college in my place before I transferred to a big university another state away. It was the time I was so wild, I'd cut class when I was bored to death and entice my guy friend in another class to cut classes with me ... one time he was in his chemistry class and I already cut my classes. I dropped by and played the devil and told him to cut class lolz... when his teacher was not looking he went out from the big window!
- We had this teacher who was very kind but extremely boring. One time our class agreed that we will all set our watch to alarm at exactly 11:00 am as the teacher was fond of extending time. That's what we did and one of my gay classmate brought a real alarm clock! However, it never got into our teacher he extended time until 12:30!
- There was this guy who courted me for 2 years. He was a foreigner and was also a ramp and commercial model. He liked me but I didn't, he used to really chase me and I found it annoying. Well, one day he came and I just didn't want to see him, so I told my friends to tell him I went home already. But he insisted that I was still around as my class goes off at 5:30 in the afternoon. I hid in the lady's toilet for 2 hours because he would not go! When I came out I smelled like the toilet!
thinking about that bus trip makes me sick to my stomach! I love the fact that you wouldn't run for student office because of the campaign costs, too cute!